
  • Live view of Application, Server and Network status
  • Proactive monitoring
  • Faster response time to issues
  • Better support provided to the business users


  • SharePoint Foundation/Server
  • SQL Server

Key Features

  • Easy to use we​b interface
  • Dashboard showing application status
  • Server and Network monitoring
  • ​Integrated with existing enterprise applications (Oracle and MES)
  • Detailed Reporting​​

IT Support Dashboard

​​The Problem​

The client’s IT department had difficulty in indentifing the causes of issues with a number of enterprise applications. Messages were being sent between these applications and in certain cases messages that were sent were not received at the destination. There also appeard to be intermittent issues with the servers on which these applications ran and the network they used. Reporting both on lost messages and server/network issues was time consuming and problematic.

​​The S​olution

Sintel developed a SharePoint application that displayed a dashboard showing the current status of the inter-application communication and the server/network status. This provided the IT department with a live overview of all the applications involved and made troubleshooting issues much easier. Missed messages or server issues were immediatly highlighted. They placed a large screen in the IT department with the ​application running in full screen mode to allow them to actively monitor the applications.